Bare Conductor


AACSR-Aluminum Alloy Conductor Steel Reinforced

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AACSR is a concentrically stranded conductor composed of one or more layers of Aluminium -Magnesium -Silicon Alloy wire stranded around a high strength coated steel core. The core can be of either single wire or stranded multi wire. Additional corrosion protection is available through the application of grease to the core or infusion of the complete cable with grease.


AACSR is a concentrically stranded conductor composed of one or more layers of Aluminium-Magnesium-Silicon Alloy wire stranded around a high strength coated steel core. 

The core can be of either single wire or stranded multi wire. Additional corrosion protection is available through the application of grease to the core or infusion of the complete cable with grease. 


Used as bare overhead transmission conductor and as primary and secondary distribution conductor and messenger support. ACSR conductors where the aluminum wires are replaced with the high strength aluminum alloy material. 

These super high strength conductors are used in river crossings or for long span applications where the traditional ACSR conductor will not work.  


• IEC 61089 Round wire concentric lay overhead electrical stranded conductors 
• ASTM B711-2018 Round wire concentric lay overhead electrical stranded conductors
• GB/T 1179 Round wire concentric lay overhead electrical stranded conductors

Technical Parameters of IEC 61089-AACSR / A2/S1A

Steel Ratio Areas No.of
Wire Diameter Diameter Linear Mass Rated
Al. Alloy Steel Total Al. Alloy Steel Al. Alloy Steel Core Cond.
% mm² mm² mm² mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km
16 17 18.4 3.07 21.5 6 1 1.98 1.98 1.98 5.93 74.4 9.02 1.7934
25 17 28.8 4.80 33.6 6 1 2.47 2.47 2.47 7.41 116.2 13.96 1.1478
40 17 46.0 7.67 53.7 6 1 3.13 3.13 3.13 9.38 185.9 22.02 0.7174
63 17 72.5 12.1 84.6 6 1 3.92 3.92 3.92 11.8 292.8 34.68 0.4555
100 6 115 6.39 121 18 1 2.85 2.85 2.85 14.3 366.4 41.24 0.2880
125 6 144 7.99 152 18 1 3.19 3.19 3.19 16.0 458.0 51.23 0.2304
125 16 144 23.4 167 26 7 2.65 2.06 6.19 16.8 579.9 69.86 0.2310
160 6 184 10.2 194 18 1 3.61 3.61 3.61 18.0 586.2 65.58 0.1800
160 16 184 30.0 214 26 7 3.00 2.34 7.01 19.0 742.3 88.52 0.1805
200 6 230 12.8 243 18 1 4.04 4.04 4.04 20.2 732.8 81.97 0.1440
200 16 230 37.5 268 26 7 3.36 2.61 7.83 21.3 927.9 110.64 0.1444
250 10 288 28.3 316 22 7 4.08 2.27 6.80 23.1 1013.5 117.09 0.1154
250 16 288 46.9 335 26 7 3.75 2.92 8.76 23.8 1159.8 138.31 0.1155
315 7 363 25.1 388 45 7 3.20 2.14 6.41 25.6 1196.5 136.28 0.0917
315 16 363 59.0 422 26 7 4.21 3.28 9.83 26.7 1461.4 171.90 0.0917
400 7 460 31.8 492 45 7 3.61 2.41 7.22 28.9 1519.4 172.10 0.0722
400 13 460 59.7 520 54 7 3.29 3.29 9.88 29.7 1738.3 201.46 0.0723
450 7 518 35.8 554 45 7 3.83 2.55 7.66 30.6 1709.3 193.61 0.0642
450 13 518 67.1 585 54 7 3.49 3.49 10.5 31.5 1955.6 226.64 0.0643
500 7 575 39.8 615 45 7 4.04 2.69 8.07 32.3 1899.3 215.12 0.0578
500 13 575 74.6 650 54 7 3.68 3.68 11.1 33.2 2172.9 251.82 0.0578
560 7 645 44.6 689 45 7 4.27 2.85 8.54 34.2 2127.2 240.93 0.0516
560 13 645 81.6 726 54 19 3.90 2.34 11.7 35.1 2420.9 283.21 0.0516
630 4 725 31.3 756 72 7 3.58 2.39 7.16 35.8 2248.0 249.62 0.0459
630 13 725 91.8 817 54 19 4.13 2.48 12.4 37.2 2723.5 318.61 0.0459
710 4 817 35.3 852 72 7 3.80 2.53 7.60 38.0 2533.4 281.32 0.0407
710 13 817 104.0 921 54 19 4.39 2.63 13.2 39.5 3069.4 359.06 0.0407
800 4 921 39.8 961 72 7 4.04 2.69 8.07 40.4 2854.6 316.98 0.0361
800 8 921 76.7 997 84 7 3.74 3.74 11.2 41.1 3145.1 356.03 0.0362
900 4 1036 44.8 1081 72 7 4.28 2.85 8.56 42.8 3211.4 356.60 0.0321
900 8 1036 86.3 1122 84 7 3.96 3.96 11.9 43.6 3538.3 400.53 0.0322
1000 8 1151 93.7 1245 84 19 4.18 2.51 12.5 45.9 3916.8 446.37 0.0289
1120 8 1289 105 1394 84 19 4.42 2.65 13.3 48.6 4386.8 499.93 0.0258

IEC 61089-AACSR / A2/S3A

Steel Ratio Areas No.of
Wire Diameter Diameter Linear Mass Rated
Al. Alloy Steel Total Al. Alloy Steel Al. Alloy Steel Core Cond.
% mm² mm² mm² mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km
16 17 18.4 3.07 21.5 6 1 1.98 1.98 1.98 5.93 74.4 9.88 1.7934
25 17 28.8 4.80 33.6 6 1 2.47 2.47 2.47 7.41 116.2 15.25 1.1478
40 17 46.0 7.67 53.7 6 1 3.13 3.13 3.13 9.38 185.9 24.17 0.7174
63 17 72.5 12.1 84.6 6 1 3.92 3.92 3.92 11.8 292.8 37.58 0.4555
100 6 115 6.39 121 18 1 2.85 2.85 2.85 14.3 366.4 42.97 0.2880
125 6 144 7.99 152 18 1 3.19 3.19 3.19 16.0 458.0 53.47 0.2304
125 16 144 23.4 167 26 7 2.65 2.06 6.19 16.8 579.9 76.42 0.2310
160 6 184 10.2 194 18 1 3.61 3.61 3.61 18.0 586.2 68.03 0.1800
160 16 184 30.0 214 26 7 3.00 2.34 7.01 19.0 742.3 96.61 0.1805
200 6 230 12.8 243 18 1 4.04 4.04 4.04 20.2 732.8 85.04 0.1440
200 16 230 37.5 268 26 7 3.36 2.61 7.83 21.3 927.9 120.77 0.1444
250 10 288 28.3 316 22 7 4.08 2.27 6.80 23.1 1013.5 124.72 0.1154
250 16 288 46.9 335 26 7 3.75 2.92 8.76 23.8 1159.8 150.96 0.1155
315 7 363 25.1 388 45 7 3.20 2.14 6.41 25.6 1196.5 143.30 0.0917
315 16 363 59.0 422 26 7 4.21 3.28 9.83 26.7 1461.4 188.44 0.0917
400 7 460 31.8 492 45 7 3.61 2.41 7.22 28.9 1519.4 180.69 0.0722
400 13 460 59.7 520 54 7 3.29 3.29 9.88 29.7 1738.3 218.17 0.0723
450 7 518 35.8 554 45 7 3.83 2.55 7.66 30.6 1709.3 203.28 0.0642
450 13 518 67.1 585 54 7 3.49 3.49 10.5 31.5 1955.6 245.44 0.0643
500 7 575 39.8 615 45 7 4.04 2.69 8.07 32.3 1899.3 225.86 0.0578
500 13 575 74.6 650 54 7 3.68 3.68 11.1 33.2 2172.9 269.73 0.0578
560 7 645 44.6 689 45 7 4.27 2.85 8.54 34.2 2127.2 252.97 0.0516
560 13 645 81.6 726 54 19 3.90 2.34 11.7 35.1 2420.9 305.25 0.0516
630 4 725 31.3 756 72 7 3.58 2.39 7.16 35.8 2248.0 258.08 0.0459
630 13 725 91.8 817 54 19 4.13 2.48 12.4 37.2 2723.5 343.40 0.0459
710 4 817 35.3 852 72 7 3.80 2.53 7.60 38.0 2533.4 290.85 0.0407
710 13 817 104 921 54 19 4.39 2.63 13.2 39.5 3069.4 387.01 0.0407
800 4 921 39.8 961 72 7 4.04 2.69 8.07 40.4 2854.6 327.72 0.0361
800 8 921 76.7 997 84 7 3.74 3.74 11.2 41.1 3145.1 374.44 0.0362
900 4 1036 44.8 1081 72 7 4.28 2.85 8.56 42.8 3211.4 368.69 0.0321
900 8 1036 86.3 1122 84 7 3.96 3.96 11.9 43.6 3538.3 421.25 0.0322
1000 8 1151 93.7 1245 84 19 4.18 2.51 12.5 45.9 3916.8 471.67 0.0289
1120 8 1289 105 1394 84 19 4.42 2.65 13.3 48.6 4386.8 528.27 0.0258

IEC 61089-AACSR / A3/S1A

Steel ratio Areas No.of
Wire diameter Diameter Linear Mass Rated
Al. Alloy Steel Total Al. Alloy Steel Al. Alloy Steel Core Cond.
% mm² mm² mm² mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km
16 17 18.6 3.10 21.7 6 1 1.99 1.99 1.99 5.96 75.1 9.67 1.7934
25 17 29.0 4.84 33.9 6 1 2.48 2.48 2.48 7.45 117.3 14.96 1.1478
40 17 46.5 7.75 54.2 6 1 3.14 3.14 3.14 9.42 187.7 23.63 0.7174
63 17 73.2 12.2 85.4 6 1 3.94 3.94 3.94 11.8 295.6 36.48 0.4555
100 6 116 6.46 123 18 1 2.87 2.87 2.87 14.3 369.9 45.12 0.2880
125 6 145 8.07 153 18 1 3.21 3.21 3.21 16.0 462.3 56.08 0.2304
125 16 145 23.7 169 26 7 2.67 2.07 6.22 16.9 585.4 74.88 0.2310
160 6 186 10.3 196 18 1 3.63 3.63 3.63 18.1 591.8 69.92 0.1800
160 16 186 30.3 216 26 7 3.02 2.35 7.04 19.1 749.4 94.94 0.1805
200 6 232 12.9 245 18 1 4.05 4.05 4.05 20.3 739.8 87.40 0.1440
200 16 232 37.8 270 26 7 3.37 2.62 7.87 21.4 936.7 118.67 0.1444
250 10 290 28.5 319 22 7 4.10 2.28 6.83 23.2 1023.2 124.02 0.1154
250 16 290 47.3 338 26 7 3.77 2.93 8.80 23.9 1170.9 145.43 0.1155
315 7 366 25.3 391 45 7 3.22 2.15 6.44 25.7 1207.9 148.56 0.0917
315 16 366 59.6 426 26 7 4.23 3.29 9.88 26.8 1475.3 180.86 0.0917
400 7 465 32.1 497 45 7 3.63 2.42 7.25 29.0 1533.9 183.03 0.0722
400 13 465 60.2 525 54 7 3.31 3.31 9.93 29.8 1754.9 217.32 0.0723
450 7 523 36.1 559 45 7 3.85 2.56 7.69 30.8 1725.6 205.91 0.0642
450 13 523 67.8 591 54 7 3.51 3.51 10.5 31.6 1974.2 239.26 0.0643
500 7 581 40.2 621 45 7 4.05 2.70 8.11 32.4 1917.3 228.79 0.0578
500 13 581 75.3 656 54 7 3.70 3.70 11.1 33.3 2193.6 265.84 0.0578
560 7 651 45.0 696 45 7 4.29 2.86 8.58 34.3 2147.4 256.24 0.0516
560 13 651 82.4 733 54 19 3.92 2.35 11.8 35.3 2444.0 298.92 0.0516
630 4 732 31.6 764 72 7 3.60 2.40 7.20 36.0 2269.4 266.64 0.0459
630 13 732 92.7 825 54 19 4.15 2.49 12.5 37.4 2749.5 336.28 0.0459
710 4 825 35.6 861 72 7 3.82 2.55 7.64 38.2 2557.6 300.50 0.0407
710 13 825 104 929 54 19 4.41 2.65 13.2 39.7 3098.6 378.98 0.0407
800 4 930 40.2 970 72 7 4.05 2.70 8.11 40.5 2881.8 338.59 0.0361
800 8 930 77.5 1007 84 7 3.75 3.75 11.3 41.3 3175.1 378.01 0.0362
900 4 1046 45.2 1091 72 7 4.30 2.87 8.60 43.0 3242.0 380.91 0.0321
900 8 1046 87.1 1133 84 7 3.98 3.98 11.9 43.8 3572.0 425.26 0.0322
1000 8 1162 94.6 1257 84 19 4.20 2.52 12.6 46.2 3954.1 473.86 0.0289
1120 8 1301 106 1407 84 19 4.44 2.66 13.3 48.9 4428.6 530.72 0.0258

IEC 61089-AACSR / A3/S3A

Steel Ratio Areas No.of
Wire Diameter Diameter Linear Mass Rated
Al. Alloy Steel Total Al. Alloy Steel Al. Alloy Steel Core Cond.
% mm² mm² mm² mm mm mm mm kg/km kN Ω/km
16 17 18.6 3.10 21.7 6 1 1.99 1.99 1.99 5.96 75.1 10.53 1.7934
25 17 29.0 4.84 33.9 6 1 2.48 2.48 2.48 7.45 117.3 16.27 1.1478
40 17 46.5 7.75 54.2 6 1 3.14 3.14 3.14 9.42 187.7 25.79 0.7174
63 17 73.2 12.2 85.4 6 1 3.94 3.94 3.94 11.8 295.6 39.41 0.4555
100 6 116 6.46 123 18 1 2.87 2.87 2.87 14.3 369.9 46.86 0.2880
125 6 145 8.07 153 18 1 3.21 3.21 3.21 16.0 462.3 58.34 0.2304
125 16 145 23.7 169 26 7 2.67 2.07 6.22 16.9 585.4 81.50 0.2310
160 6 186 10.3 196 18 1 3.63 3.63 3.63 18.1 591.8 72.40 0.1800
160 16 186 30.3 216 26 7 3.02 2.35 7.04 19.1 749.4 103.11 0.1805
200 6 232 12.9 245 18 1 4.05 4.05 4.05 20.3 739.8 90.50 0.1440
200 16 232 37.8 270 26 7 3.37 2.62 7.87 21.4 936.7 128.89 0.1444
250 10 290 28.5 319 22 7 4.10 2.28 6.83 23.2 1023.2 131.72 0.1154
250 16 290 47.3 338 26 7 3.77 2.93 8.80 23.9 1170.9 158.21 0.1155
315 7 366 25.3 391 45 7 3.22 2.15 6.44 25.7 1207.9 155.64 0.0917
315 16 366 59.6 426 26 7 4.23 3.29 9.88 26.8 1475.3 197.55 0.0917
400 7 465 32.1 497 45 7 3.63 2.42 7.25 29.0 1533.9 191.71 0.0722
400 13 465 60.2 525 54 7 3.31 3.31 9.93 29.8 1754.9 234.19 0.0723
450 7 523 36.

Technical Parameters of GB/T 1179-AACSR (JLHA1/G1A,JLHA1/G2A,JLHA1/G3A) (1)

Steel Ratio Calculated Area No. of Wires Wire Diameter Diameter Linear Mass Rated Strength D.C. Resistance at 20℃
Al. Alloy Steel Total Al. Alloy Steel Al. Alloy Steel Steel Cond JLHA1/
% mm² mm² mm² mm mm mm mm kg/km kN kN kN Ω/km
10/2 16.7 10.6 1.78 12.4 6 1 1.50 1.50 1.50 4.50 42.8 5.51 5.76 6.01 3.1444
16/3 16.7 16.1 2.69 18.8 6 1 1.85 1.85 1.85 5.55 65.2 8.93 8.76 9.14 2.0671
35/6 16.7 34.9 5.81 40.7 6 1 2.72 2.72 2.72 8.16 140.9 17.96 18.77 19.52 0.9563
50/8 16.7 48.3 8.04 56.3 6 1 3.20 3.20 3.20 9.60 195.0 24.53 25.66 26.78 0.6909
50/30 58.3 50.7 29.6 80.3 12 7 2.32 2.32 6.96 11.6 371.3 50.22 54.36 58.21 0.6614
70/10 16.7 68.0 11.3 79.3 6 1 3.80 3.80 3.80 11.4 275.0 33.91 34.70 36.63 0.4899
70/40 58.3 69.7 40.7 110 12 7 2.72 2.72 8.16 13.6 510.4 69.03 74.73 80.01 0.4812
95/15 16.2 94.4 15.3 110 26 7 2.15 1.67 5.01 13.6 380.5 48.62 50.76 52.91 0.3554
95/20 19.8 95.1 18.8 114 7 7 4.16 1.85 5.55 13.9 408.5 51.98 54.62 57.25 0.3509
95/55 58.3 96.5 56.3 153 12 7 3.20 3.20 9.60 16.0 706.4 93.29 101.2 109.1 0.3477
120/7 5.6 119 6.61 125 18 1 2.90 2.90 2.90 14.5 378.9 46.17 47.10 47.95 0.2815
120/20 16.3 116 18.8 134 26 7 2.38 1.85 5.55 15.1 466.4 59.61 62.24 64.88 0.2900
120/25 19.8 122 24.2 147 7 7 4.72 2.10 6.30 15.7 526.0 66.95 70.34 73.74 0.2726
120/70 58.3 122 71.3 193 12 7 3.60 3.60 10.8 18.0 894.0 116.9 121.8 134.0 0.2747
150/8 5.6 145 8.04 153 18 1 3.20 3.20 3.20 16.0 461.3 55.90 57.02 58.15 0.2312
150/20 12.9 146 18.8 164 24 7 2.78 1.85 5.55 16.7 549.0 69.36 71.99 74.63 0.2301
150/25 16.3 149 24.2 173 26 7 2.70 2.10 6.30 17.1 600.5 76.75 80.14 83.54 0.2254
150/35 23.3 147 34.4 182 30 7 2.50 2.50 7.50 17.5 675.4 87.03 91.84 96.31 0.2280
185/10 5.6 183 10.2 193 18 1 3.60 3.60 3.60 18.0 583.8 68.91 69.62 71.35 0.1826
185/25 13.0 187 24.2 211 24 7 3.15 2.10 6.30 18.9 705.5 89.15 92.55 95.94 0.1792
185/30 16.3 181 29.6 211 26 7 2.98 2.32 6.96 18.9 732.0 92.67 96.81 100.7 0.1850
185/45 23.3 185 43.1 228 30 7 2.80 2.80 8.40 19.6 847.2 109.2 115.2 120.8 0.1817
210/10 5.6 204 11.3 215 18 1 3.80 3.80 3.80 19.0 650.5 76.78 77.57 79.50 0.1639
210/25 13.0 209 27.1 236 24 7 3.33 2.22 6.66 20.0 788.4 99.63 103.4 107.2 0.1604
210/35 16.2 212 34.4 246 26 7 3.22 2.50 7.50 20.4 853.1 108.0 112.8 117.3 0.1585
210/50 23.3 209 48.8 258 30 7 2.98 2.98 8.94 20.9 959.7 123.7 130.5 136.8 0.1604
240/30 13.0 244 31.7 276 24 7 3.60 2.40 7.20 21.6 921.5 113.1 117.5 121.6 0.1372
240/40 16.3 239 38.9 278 26 7 3.42 2.66 7.98 21.7 963.5 122.0 127.4 132.5 0.1405
240/55 23.3 241 56.3 298 30 7 3.20 3.20 9.60 22.4 1106.6 140.3 148.2 156.1 0.1391
300/15 5.2 297 15.3 312 42 7 3.00 1.67 5.01 23.0 940.2 114.4 116.6 118.7 0.1131
300/20 6.9 303 20.9 324 45 7 2.93 1.95 5.85 23.4 1001.8 123.1 126.0 128.9 0.1106
300/25 8.8 306 27.1 333 48 7 2.85 2.22 6.66 23.8 1057.9 131.2 135.0 138.8 0.1096
300/40 13.0 300 38.9 339 24 7 3.99 2.66 7.98 23.9 1132.0 138.9 144.3 149.4 0.1117


Steel Ratio Calculated Area No. of Wires Wire Diameter Diameter Linear Mass Rated Strength D.C. Resistance at 20℃
Al. Alloy Steel Total Al. Alloy Steel Al. Alloy Steel Steel Cond JLHA1/
% mm² mm² mm² mm mm mm mm kg/km kN kN kN Ω/km
300/50 16.3 300 48.8 348 26 7 3.83 2.98 8.94 24.3 1208.6 150.0 156.8 163.2 0.1120
300/70 23.3 305 71.3 377 30 7 3.60 3.60 10.8 25.2 1400.5 174.6 179.6 191.7 0.1099
400/20 5.1 406 20.9 427 42 7 3.51 1.95 5.85 26.9 1286.3 152.5 155.4 158.3 0.0826
400/25 6.9 392 27.1 419 45 7 3.33 2.22 6.66 26.6 1294.7 159.1 162.9 166.7 0.0857
400/35 8.8 391 34.4 425 48 7 3.22 2.50 7.50 26.8 1348.7 166.2 171.0 175.5 0.0859
400/50 13.0 400 51.8 452 54 7 3.07 3.07 9.21 27.6 1510.5 186.9 194.2 201.4 0.0841
400/65 16.3 399 65.1 464 26 7 4.42 3.44 10.3 28.0 1610.0 197.2 206.3 215.4 0.0841
400/95 22.9 408 93.3 501 30 19 4.16 2.50 12.5 29.1 1857.9 234.8 247.8 259.9 0.0823
460/60 13.0 465 60.2 525 54 7 3.31 3.31 9.93 29.8 1755.9 217.3 225.7 234.1 0.0723
500/35 6.9 500 34.6 534 45 7 3.76 2.51 7.53 30.1 1651.3 196.9 201.7 206.2 0.0672
500/45 8.8 489 43.1 532 48 7 3.60 2.80 8.40 30.0 1687.0 203.0 209.1 214.7 0.0687
500/65 13.0 502 65.1 567 54 7 3.44 3.44 10.3 31.0 1896.5 234.7 243.8 252.9 0.0670
630/45 6.9 629 43.4 673 45 7 4.22 2.81 8.43 33.8 2078.4 247.7 253.8 259.5 0.0533
630/55 8.8 640 56.3 696 48 7 4.12 3.20 9.60 34.3 2208.3 263.5 271.4 279.3 0.0525
630/80 12.7 622 78.9 701 54 19 3.83 2.30 11.5 34.5 2339.7 286.0 297.0 307.3 0.0540
710/50 6.9 709 49.2 758 45 7 4.48 2.99 8.97 35.9 2344.2 279.5 286.4 292.7 0.0473
710/90 12.6 709 89.6 799 54 19 4.09 2.45 12.3 36.8 2664.6 325.6 338.1 349.8 0.0474
720/50 6.9 725 50.1 775 45 7 4.53 3.02 9.06 36.2 2395.9 283.6 290.6 297.7 0.0463
800/35 4.3 799 34.6 834 72 7 3.76 2.51 7.53 37.6 2481.9 276.8 281.4 285.6 0.0420
800/55 7.0 801 56.3 857 45 7 4.76 3.20 9.60 38.2 2652.7 314.2 322.1 329.9 0.0419
800/65 8.3 799 66.6 866 84 7 3.48 3.48 10.4 38.3 2731.7 316.3 325.1 334.0 0.0421
800/70 8.8 808 71.3 879 48 7 4.63 3.60 10.8 38.6 2790.1 332.9 337.9 350.0 0.0415
800/100 12.7 799 101.7 901 54 19 4.34 2.61 13.1 39.1 3006.6 367.5 381.8 395.0 0.0421
900/40 4.3 900 38.9 939 72 7 3.99 2.66 7.98 39.9 2793.8 311.5 316.7 321.5 0.0373
900/75 8.3 898 74.9 973 84 7 3.69 3.69 11.1 40.6 3071.3 347.0 352.0 364.1 0.0374
1000/45 4.3 1002 43.1 1045 72 7 4.21 2.80 8.40 42.1 3108.8 346.6 352.3 357.7 0.0335
1120/50 4.2 1120 47.3 1167 72 19 4.45 1.78 8.90 44.5 3468.0 387.7 393.9 400.2 0.0300
1120/90 8.1 1120 91.0 1211 84 19 4.12 2.47 12.4 45.3 3813.4 433.7 445.8 457.1 0.0300
1250/50 4.2 1249 52.7 1302 72 19 4.70 1.88 9.40 47.0 3868.6 432.4 439.4 446.5 0.0269
1250/70 5.6 1252 70.1 1322 76 7 4.58 3.57 10.7 47.4 4011.1 447.9 452.6 463.9 0.0268
1250/100 8.1 1248 102 1350 84 19 4.35 2.61 13.1 47.9 4252.3 483.7 497.2 509.7 0.0269
1300/105 8.1 1301 106 1406 84 19 4.44 2.66 13.3 48.8 4427.6 503.5 517.6 530.6 0.0259
1400/135 9.60 1400 134 1534 88 19 4.50 3.00 15.0 51.0 4926.4 564.3 582.1 598.7 0.0240


Steel Ratio Calculated Area No. of Wires Wire Diameter Diameter Linear Mass Rated Strength D.C. Resistance at 20℃ 
Al. Alloy Steel  Total Al. Alloy Steel Al. Alloy Steel Steel Cond JLHA1/
% mm² mm² mm²     mm mm mm mm kg/km kN kN kN Ω/km
1440/120 8.13 1439 117 1556 84 19 4.67 2.80 14.0 51.4 4899.7 557.3 572.8 587.3 0.0234

B/T 1179-AACSR (JLHA2/G1A, JLHA2/G2A, JLHA2/G3A) (1)

Steel Ratio Calculated Area No. of Wires Wire Diameter Diameter Linear Mass Rated Strength D.C. Resistance at 20℃
Al. Alloy Steel Total Al. Alloy Steel Al. Alloy Steel Steel Cond JLHA2/
% mm2 mm2 mm2 mm mm mm mm kg/km kN kN kN Ω/km
10/2 16.7 10.6 1.78 12.4 6 1 1.50 1.50 1.50 4.50 42.8 5.20 5.44 5.69 3.1147
16/3 16.7 16.1 2.69 18.8 6 1 1.85 1.85 1.85 5.55 65.2 7.90 8.28 8.66 2.0476
35/6 16.7 34.9 5.81 40.7 6 1 2.72 2.72 2.72 8.16 140.9 16.91 17.72 18.48 0.9472
50/8 16.7 48.3 8.04 56.3 6 1 3.20 3.20 3.20 9.60 195.0 23.08 24.21 25.33 0.6844
50/30 58.3 50.7 29.6 80.3 12 7 2.32 2.32 6.96 11.6 371.3 48.70 52.84 56.69 0.6552
70/10 16.7 68.0 11.3 79.3 6 1 3.80 3.80 3.80 11.4 275.0 32.55 33.34 35.27 0.4853
70/40 58.3 69.7 40.7 110 12 7 2.72 2.72 8.16 13.6 510.4 66.94 72.63 77.92 0.4766
95/15 16.2 94.4 15.3 110 26 7 2.15 1.67 5.01 13.6 380.5 45.79 47.93 50.80 0.3521
95/20 19.8 95.1 18.8 114 7 7 4.16 1.85 5.55 13.9 408.5 50.08 52.72 55.35 0.3476
95/55 58.3 96.5 56.3 153 12 7 3.20 3.20 9.60 16.0 706.4 90.40 98.3 106.2 0.3444
120/7 5.6 119 6.61 125 18 1 2.90 2.90 2.90 14.5 378.9 42.60 43.53 44.39 0.2788
120/20 16.3 116 18.8 134 26 7 2.38 1.85 5.55 15.1 466.4 56.14 58.77 61.41 0.2873
120/25 19.8 122 24.2 147 7 7 4.72 2.10 6.30 15.7 526.0 64.50 67.89 71.29 0.2700
120/70 58.3 122 71.3 193 12 7 3.60 3.60 10.8 18.0 894.0 114.4 119.4 131.5 0.2721
150/8 5.6 145 8.04 153 18 1 3.20 3.20 3.20 16.0 461.3 51.55 52.68 53.80 0.2290
150/20 12.9 146 18.8 164 24 7 2.78 1.85 5.55 16.7 549.0 64.99 67.62 70.26 0.2279
150/25 16.3 149 24.2 173 26 7 2.70 2.10 6.30 17.1 600.5 72.28 75.68 79.07 0.2232
150/35 23.3 147 34.4 182 30 7 2.50 2.50 7.50 17.5 675.4 82.16 87.42 91.89 0.2258
185/10 5.6 183 10.2 193 18 1 3.60 3.60 3.60 18.0 583.8 65.25 65.96 67.69 0.1809
185/25 13.0 187 24.2 211 24 7 3.15 2.10 6.30 18.9 705.5 83.54 86.94 90.33 0.1775
185/30 16.3 181 29.6 211 26 7 2.98 2.32 6.96 18.9 732.0 87.23 91.37 95.20 0.1833
185/45 23.3 185 43.1 228 30 7 2.80 2.80 8.40 19.6 847.2 103.6 109.7 115.3 0.1800
210/10 5.6 204 11.3 215 18 1 3.80 3.80 3.80 19.0 650.5 72.70 73.49 75.42 0.1624
210/25 13.0 209 27.1 236 24 7 3.33 2.22 6.66 20.0 788.4 93.36 97.2 100.9 0.1589
210/35 16.2 212 34.4 246 26 7 3.22 2.50 7.50 20.4 853.1 101.6 106.4 110.9 0.1570

B/T 1179-AACSR (JLHA2/G1A, JLHA2/G2A, JLHA2/G3A) (2)

Steel Ratio Calculated Area No. of Wires Wire Diameter Diameter Linear Mass Rated Strength D.C. Resistance at 20℃
Al. Alloy Steel Total Al. Alloy Steel Al. Alloy Steel Steel Cond JLHA2/
% mm² mm² mm²     mm mm mm mm kg/km kN kN kN Ω/km
210/50 23.3 209 48.8 258 30 7 2.98 2.98 8.94 20.9 959.7 117.4 124.2 130.6 0.1589
240/30 13.0 244 31.7 276 24 7 3.60 2.40 7.20 21.6 921.5 108.2 112.6 116.7 0.1359
240/40 16.3 239 38.9 278 26 7 3.42 2.66 7.98 21.7 963.5 114.8 120.3 125.3 0.1391
240/55 23.3 241 56.3 298 30 7 3.20 3.20 9.60 22.4 1106.6 133.1 141.0 148.9 0.1378
300/15 5.2 297 15.3 312 42 7 3.00 1.67 5.01 23.0 940.2 105.5 107.7 109.8 0.1120
300/20 6.9 303 20.9 324 45 7 2.93 1.95 5.85 23.4 1001.8 114.0 116.9 119.8 0.1096
300/25 8.8 306 27.1 333 48 7 2.85 2.22 6.66

Technical Parameters of ASTM B711-AACSR

Conductor Area, mm² Stranding and Wire Diameter Diameter, mm Rated Strength Mass DC Resistance  at 20°C (ohms/km)
Alloy Nominal Steel Total Alloy Steel Conductor Steel Core
No. mm No. mm kN kg/km
1250 102 1352 84 4.35 19 2.61 47.8 13.0 489 4255 0.0271
1120 91 1211 84 4.12 19 2.47 45.3 12.4 437 3816 0.0302
1000 81 1081 84 3.89 19 2.33 42.8 11.6 389 3400 0.0339
900 73 973 84 3.69 19 2.21 40.6 11.0 353 3060 0.0377
800 101 901 54 4.34 19 2.60 39.0 13.0 361 3003 0.0423
710 90 800 54 4.09 19 2.45 36.8 12.2 321 2664 0.0477
630 80 710 54 3.85 19 2.31 34.6 11.6 285 2365 0.0538
560 71 631 54 3.63 19 2.18 32.7 10.9 256 2104 0.0605
500 63 563 54 3.43 19 2.06 30.9 10.3 228 1878 0.0678
450 59 509 54 3.26 19 1.98 29.5 9.90 208 1706 0.0750
400 91 491 30 4.12 19 2.47 28.8 12.4 237 1818 0.0844
400 65 465 26 4.43 7 3.45 28.1 10.4 206 1616 0.0840
355 81 436 30 3.88 19 2.33 27.2 11.6 210 1614 0.0951
355 58 413 26 4.17 7 3.24 26.4 9.72 182 1430 0.0948
315 72 387 30 3.66 19 2.20 25.6 11.0 190 1438 0.1069
315 52 367 26 3.93 7 3.06 24.9 9.18 162 1272 0.1067
280 65 345 30 3.45 7 3.45 24.2 10.4 171 1286 0.1203
280 46 326 26 3.70 7 2.88 23.4 8.64 144 1127 0.1204
250 58 308 30 3.26 7 3.26 22.8 9.78 152 1149 0.1348
250 41 291 26 3.50 7 2.72 22.2 8.16 128 1008 0.1346
224 52 276 30 3.08 7 3.08 21.6 9.24 139 1025 0.1510
224 36 260 26 3.31 7 2.57 21.0 7.71 115 901 0.1505
200 47 247 30 2.91 7 2.91 20.4 8.73 124 915 0.1691
200 32 232 26 3.13 7 2.43 19.8 7.29 105 805 0.1683
180 42 222 30 2.76 7 2.76 19.3 8.28 112 823 0.1880
180 29 209 26 2.97 7 2.31 18.8 6.93 195.0 731 0.1869
160 38 198 30 2.61 7 2.61 18.3 7.83 100 736 0.2102
160 26 186 26 2.80 7 2.18 17.7 6.54 85.5 646 0.2103
140 33 173 30 2.44 7 2.44 17.1 7.32 87.4 643 0.2406
140 23 163 26 2.62 7 2.04 16.6 6.12 74.9 565 0.2401



